
Friday, July 27, 2012

WORLD WATCH DAILY Friday July 27, 2012 Av 8, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 8:10:48 am - July 27, 2012 - Jerusalem: 3:10:48 pm - Av 8, 5772

Christian News

In an apparent hint directed at Iran and Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells National Defense College students that Israel can "counter any threat" • Defense Minister Ehud Barak: Bombing Iranian nuclear facilities is better than an Iran armed with nuclear weapons.


Israel ups security on Syria border 


Christian News

Defense establishment deploys troops, adds barbed wire to border with Syria in order to bar refugees, terrorists from entering Israel, officials say


Shifting Egypt's stance, Mursi meets Hamas leader in Cairo 

In latest of string of meetings between Palestinian, Egyptian leaders, Gaza-based PM visits Egyptian president for meeting; official: Mursi promised increase in fuel supply; no sign of ease in border restrictions.


U.S., Lockheed reach deal on Israeli F-35s 


Christian News

he Pentagon has reached an agreement with Lockheed Martin Corp on a $450 million program to enhance electronic warfare equipment on the F-35 fighter jet, and integrate Israeli-unique systems beginning in 2016, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.

The deal, to be finalized in coming weeks, marks a big step forward for Israel's $2.75 billion agreement to buy 19 F-35 jets, which was signed in October 2010 and includes options for up to 75 of the radar-evading fighters.

The Pentagon said the Israeli foreign arms sale could be worth up to $15.2 billion if all options are exercised, when it first approved the sale in September 2008.


'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - July 27, 2012 


Putin’s world oil domination plan .... Unsettled times in Israel ... Window closing on Israel’s decision on Iran ... Hamas and Israel amid regional turmoil: Hamas leaders go to Egypt for meetings ... Many examples on how Hamas influence is increasing in and around Israel ....




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Zechariah 12:3,9: 
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Update and Commentary 


"Koenig's Eye View from the White House" 
click here for subscription information

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" 
click here for book information and/or to purchase

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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – July 27, 2012: Putin’s world oil domination plan ... Unsettled Times in Israel ... Window closing on Israel’s decision on Iran ... 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – July 20, 2012: This week's impactful worldwide news … Israel rethinking its regional strategies ... Koenig: Worldwide economic collapse scenario in a few paragraphs 

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel' Updated Events 

Timeline 2011 to 2019: Events 
on the Calendar

'Eye to Eye' has been hand-delivered 
with comments to over 100 Obama 
Administration officials; political, 
media and Christian leaders

Koenig International News Testimonials 

'News Alerts' by email - 
Bill Koenig

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" sample issue

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' Subscription Information 

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" - Mail/Fax Form 

Featured News 

US fears major Iranian 
threat in Persian Gulf

Israel Navy conducts joint 
maneuvers with Greeks

US Air Force: Bunker buster 
ready for use

Experts charge UN high-tech 
shipment to North Korea 
violates UN sanctions

US Christian leaders in 
Israel to study Judaism

Syria: Troops and rebels 
reinforce for big Aleppo 

'Muslim Brothers plotting 
overthrow of Gulf States'

IAF strikes Gaza terror 

World Bank: Palestinians 
not ready for state
Latest News 

Vietnam Ready to Host 
Russian Maritime Base

US State Department, rights 
groups speak out against 
ongoing violence in Myanmar

China-Canada oil deal raises 
political hackles in Washington

Obama cautiously moves 
to help Syrian rebels

Syria conflict: Assad's 
fall 'matter of time' - 
ex-UN observer

UN Arms Trade Treaty nears 

Wife of Chinese politician Bo 
charged with murder

Cyber defenders urged to 
go on the offense

Iran bolsters retaliation 
capability in Persian 
Gulf, experts say

London offers Olympics 
unlike any other

Storms knock out power as 
they rip through Northeast

DEA seizes more than $36M and 
arrests 91 in crackdown on 
sellers of designer drugs

Bipartisan group of senators 
voices concerns with global 
arms treaty

Grand Canyon sized valley 
found beneath Antarctica

UK in longest double-dip 
recession in 50 years

World Bank's Jim Yong Kim: 
I want to eradicate poverty

Congress warned that al-Qaida 
in Iraq is coming to America

Midwest drought fears worsen - 
Grain prices jump
White House News 

Sen. Inhofe: Obama forced 
military to abandon 
‘apolitical stance’

Senate rejects GOP bill to 
extend bush-era tax rates

Obama campaign accuses 
Romney of harboring 
a 'secret' foreign policy
Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

From anonymity to fame, 
Israel's athletes enter 
Olympic spotlight

No security at Israeli swimmers' 
Olympic training camp

Sources: Netanyahu may call 
elections in just three months
Provocative Commentary 

Syria's Christians cautious 
in conflict - Paul Wood

The Muslim Brotherhood's 
American defenders - 
Caroline B. Glick 

The truth about Iran - Iran’s 
positive Olympic statements 
about Israel won’t interfere 
with plans to murder more 
Jews - Hagai Segal

Billy Graham Cheers Cathy Family, Chick-Fil-A: 'I plan to 'Eat Mor Chikin' … next Wednesday' 

Pro-Lifers Push to Ban Late-Term 
Abortions in Nation’s Capital - 
John McCormack

Dark Night: Commentary 
on Crime - Cal Thomas

Obama Buyer's Remorse 
Not About Adelson - 
Jonathan Tobin

President Assad can no longer 
count on his Christian 
compatriots - Economist

Huma Abedin's Muslim-Brotherhood 
Ties - Andrew C. McCarthy

Anti-circumcision move spreading 
across Europe - AFP

Selective Transparency - The 
Real Issues Are Ignored - 
Victor Davis Hanson

Cyber war on Iran has 
only just begun

7 habits of highly ineffective 
government - Cal Thomas

Huckabee’s Endorsements - His 
conservative critics think he’s 
not conservative enough. - 
Katrina Trinko 

Syria after the big bomb - 
How long can the regime 
last? - Economist

Golden Gateway to Dependency - 
Mark Steyn

Before taking on Syria, U.S. 
should heed lesson of the 
past - Kiron K. Skinner

Our attitude to violence is beyond a joke as new Batman film, The Dark Knight, shows - Jenny McCartney 
Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

July 27: Blessing in Opposition - 
Charles Stanley

July 27: The Way to Knowledge - 
Oswald Chambers

July 27: Full Salvation - 
Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
"live" Sunday' at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 
12:30 pm (Eastern-US), rebroadcast 
Monday at 2 pm (Eastern-US)

Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible
Church, McLean, Virginia - 
Sermons by Date, Series and Podcasts

Eye to Eye


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